What is Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment?

In the past, it was common to wait until children were around 12 or 13 years old before beginning orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists at the time felt that children needed to lose all their primary teeth and have their 12-year-old molars before they could apply braces to their teeth. Today,Phase 1 orthodontic treatment in Omaha, NE, can begin as early as age six or as late as age 11.

Understanding Phase 1 Orthodontic Treatment
The purpose of a child receiving braces at such a young age is to prevent severe alignment problems and potential oral health issues when they get older. The orthodontic staff at Pedodontics, P.C. may opt to treat children in two phases to ensure they have straight and healthy teeth. Many children still have some baby teeth when we start Phase 1.

Instead of extracting permanent teeth to leave room for the other teeth to shift during orthodontic treatment, we place space maintainers after your child has lost some baby teeth to prepare them for more intensive treatment later. The early phase typically involves using a palatal expander or temporarily wearing braces.

Resting period between phases
After completing Phase 1, your child will go through a resting period of several months to a few years before starting Phase 2. The resting period is necessary to allow the rest of your child’s permanent teeth to erupt. The second phase is usually shorter than the first phase, and your child may wear a retainer or headgear at night to ensure that the teeth do not drift back into their previous positions.

Visit Us to Learn More About Two-Phase Orthodontic Treatment
Parents are often surprised to learn that their elementary-aged child is eligible forPhase 1 orthodontic treatment in Omaha, NE. We welcome you to schedule a consultation to discuss it with your child’s dentist.

Phase 1 Treatment

How to Ease Dental Anxiety for Children

Visiting the dentist can be scary for anyone—no matter the age. However, when we’re younger, dental anxiety tends to be more severe. Whether it’s getting a filling or a more common service like dental cleaning, some kids are frightened to visit the dentist. Luckily, we’re here to help.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few tips for treating dental anxiety in children.

Tell your kids about upcoming treatments
While your child may dread going to the dentist, never keep upcoming visits a secret. This can only add to the anxiety. Even if they don’t want to hear the news, it can help them mentally prepare. Also, allow your kid to express their feelings to you about the dentist. Talking through it all may ease their worries.

If your child is ready for their next dental visit, Pedodontics, P.C. is here to help! We offer trusted and professional pediatric dentistry in Omaha, NE.

Find the right dentist
Not all pediatric dentists are created equal. While most providers are good with kids, others struggle. That said, do your research to find the best pediatric dentistry for your child. Also, find out how they treat dental anxiety. While there are various ways to deal with anxiety in a dental office, not all dentists use the right techniques.

Teach relaxation exercises
Anxiety is something we can control in our minds. If we can find calm in stressful situations, anxiety is less of a problem. That said, try to teach your child to relax. You can accomplish this with deep breathing exercises that can slow down their heart rate. While they breathe, encourage them to focus on their breath.

By trying the tips listed above, your child may find peace and calm in the dental chair. If you would like to make an appointment with our experienced pediatric dentist in Omaha, NE, contact us today!