7 Facts Parents Should Know About Baby’s Teething

Posted on 04/28/2022

As your trusted pediatric dentist in Omaha, Pedodontics, P.C., it’s our mission to ensure healthy mouths and teeth for all our patients – no matter their age. Our staff is committed to providing the highest quality care as well as educating our patients on the importance of good oral hygiene practices.

As new parents, understanding how to provide good oral care for your baby may seem daunting at first, but Pedodontics, P.C. is always here to help. If you have questions on how to care for your child’s baby teeth, speak with your pediatric dentist in Omaha and read on to learn 7 facts we think you should know on teething.

When to Expect Baby’s First Tooth

Every child is different, but in many cases, your baby’s first tooth should appear between 6 and 12 months of age, and all teeth usually come in by age 3. Typically, the first teeth to come in are the two bottom front teeth followed by the upper front teeth.

Signs of Teething

Around the age of 6 months, you may begin to notice your baby drooling, becoming agitated, and crying more than usual. You may also notice them attempting to chew on nearly anything and everything – this is a good indicator that your child is in the beginning stages of teething.

How to Soothe Teething Pain

Teething can be quite painful and irritating to your baby, so it’s important to know some safe ways you can help soothe your child’s pain. Massaging their gums with a clean finger, giving them something cold to chew on such as cold baby food or a wet or frozen washcloth, and providing them with a solid (not filled with liquid) teething ring are all effective ways to soothe their achy gums.

When to Start Brushing

Don’t wait until there are more teeth before you begin brushing your baby’s teeth for the first time. When the first tooth appears, it’s time to start brushing! Use a baby toothbrush with a very small smear of fluoride toothpaste, and aim for brushing twice a day just as older children and adults are encouraged to do.

Baby Teeth Can Affect Permanent Teeth

If you think baby teeth aren’t important because they fall out and are replaced, think again. Baby teeth help guide the position of future permanent teeth, and neglecting oral hygiene can also affect the health of your baby’s gums and the development of their permanent teeth.

Oral Care Should Begin Before Baby’s First Tooth

Gum care is very much a part of good oral hygiene habits, so don’t put off starting good habits until teething begins. Using a washcloth and with clean hands, very gently wipe your baby’s gums after each feeding and before bedtime.

When to See the Dentist

Ideally, you should contact your pediatric dentist in Omaha after your child’s first tooth erupts, but at the very least you should make their first dental appointment before the age of 1 year. This not only helps ensure your child’s teeth are developing and erupting as expected, but it can also help identify other potential oral issues early on.

Your Trusted Dentist and Children’s Orthodontist in Omaha

Whether you are looking for a pediatric dentist or children’s orthodontist, Omaha’s Pedodontics, P.C. is the premier choice for quality dental care for patients of all ages. Our team of caring professionals is committed to providing top care and individualized treatment for a wide range of dental and orthodontic issues. Contact us today to learn more about our offered services and to schedule an appointment. We hope to hear from you soon!

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